judicial branch • primary source mountain men  [moun-tn men] Trappers who came into the American West in search of the beaver pelt. (62) Multicultural  [muhl-tee-kuhl-cher-uhl] Many cultures. (108) judicial branch  [joo-dish-uhl branch] The branch of government that makes sure laws agree with the Constitution. (120) jury  [joor-ee] A group of citizens who decide whether a law has been broken. (121) N natural resource  [nach-er-uhl ree-sawrs] Something found in nature, such as water, soil, minerals or trees, that people can use to meet their needs. (108) natural wonder  [nach-er-uhl wuhn-der] Rivers, valleys, forests, mountains, and minerals, found in nature. (11) nomad  [noh-mad] A person who is always moving his home from one place to another. (102) L latitude  [lat-i-tood] A set of lines that run east and west on maps or globes. They are measured in degrees north and south from the equator. (16) legislative branch  [lej-is-ley-tiv branch] The branch of government that makes laws. (119) life-zone  [lahyf zohn] Region of land where a specific type of plants live. (22) longitude  [lon-ji-tood] A set of lines that run north and south on maps or globes. They are measured in degrees east and west from the prime meridian. (16) O occupations  [ok-yuh-pey-shuhns] The kind of work that people do. (146) M Manifest Destiny  [man-uh-fest des-tuh-nee] Belief that the United States was intended by God to be a nation from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans. (66) mesa  [mey-suh] A flat-topped mountain. (56) Mesoamerica  [mez-oh-uh-mer-i-kuh] Land of central and southern Mexico, Honduras, Belize and Guatemala. (38) Mexica  [mek-si-kah] Native American people who ruled the Valley of Mexico when the Spanish first arrived. (50) migrate  [mahy-greyt] To move from one place to another. (110) minority  [mi-nawr-i-tee] A group of people who make up less than half the population. (109) Mission  [mish-uhn] A religious settlement. (58) missionary  [mish-uh-ner-ee] A person who teaches a religion to others. (57) 186 P physical feature  [fiz-i-kuhl fee-cher] A landform of Earth, such as a mountain or river, that has been formed by nature. (107) Pimeria Alta  [pi-me-rea al-tah]Upper lands of the Pima Indians in northern New Spain. (20) pit-house  [pit houz] Home of Hohokam people dug into the ground. (30) plateau  [pla-toh] High, flat area of land. (18) precipitation  [pri-sip-i-tey-shuhn] Water that falls to Earth’s surface as rain, sleet, hail, or snow. (24) prehistoric  [pree-hi-stawr-ik] The time before people started writing about events. (34) Presidio  [pri-sid-ee-oh] A Spanish fort. (58) primary source  [prahy-mer-ee sawrs] A record made by a person who was present when an event took place. (165)