Hohokam ruins at Pueblo Grande Museum in Phoenix show the remains of a 1,500 year old village. From the Pueblo Grande site, irrigation canals brought water from the Salt River to Hohokam fields. Why is water important? In 1891, the Salt River flooded much of central Arizona. This was known as the Great Flood. In some places, the river was eight miles wide. The flood was followed by another drought. Once again, there was not enough water for crops. Water was so scarce that armed guards patrolled the canals. Arizona desperately needed a dam to store and control the water. March 1911 Captain Charles Harris designs the first Arizona flag. Nan Hayden sews the first Arizona flag. February 1917 Arizona Flag Bill becomes law. Arizona now has a new flag. 1910 September 1906 Construction of Roosevelt Dam begins. March 1911 Roosevelt Dam dedicated by President Theodore Roosevelt. 1920 Chapter 10 • Water  103