background image
be creative
heart & soul
y JOY in life is the power to create and be creative. I have been
blessed with such an amazing gift of being able to come up with
creative visions, and through faith, I have brought those visions
to reality. This has given me a whole new perspective on the divine. From
an early age, I knew I was different from all of the other children. I sang
in the youth choir at church, so music was my first creative outlet. I also
remember telling my family that I wanted to be an actress after watching
the TV show, `Days of our Lives,' on a nightly basis.
After many years of just having music as my creative outlet, I was inspired
by my close friend Kamesha, a model, to pursue modeling. I began as
her assistant, helping her on
set with wardrobe, hair, and
makeup. The turning point
for me came when Kamesha
was photo-shooting with
Facet Photography, and she
nailed the shot. She became a
completely different person in
order to execute the look she
was going for. From that day
forward, I wanted that feeling
of playing a role in front of
the camera.
So, in 2010 I booked my first
photo shoot with Damien
Smith Photography to create
my first comp card with
Melinda Maderazo as the
make-up artist. The final
images resulted in my booking
my first modeling job with My
Black is Beautiful
alongside celebrity stylist
Jennifer Austin. I was forever
hooked on the idea of being
someone else or playing
a character in front of the
camera as well on the runway.
The Power to Create
and Be Creative
Images by: POSES PHOTOGRafi,
makeup: BRiTTnEy TOny, stylIst:
JEniymaH GOULd, CLOTHinG &
Images by: POSES PHOTOGRafi, makeup: BRiTTnEy TOny, stylIst:
Being a model gives me the creative
freedom to be who I want to be in my mind
as I create art and beauty. I model because
it satisfies my soul and it keeps my spirit
free. I model because I represent the curvy,
multi-ethnic woman who was teased as a
child because she was different. I model
because it gives me breath to live and life to
give to others. As I live in my true happiness,
creating, I am able to spread love, peace,
and joy to others.