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For more information about how you can get involved, volunteer, or donate to J.B.
Dondolo's project, visit or send an email to
plans to build a guest house for housing visiting doctors
and purchase medical equipment to allow the basic
services a small hospital should provide.
During phase three, J.B. Dondolo will focus upon hospital
additions. This will include a maternity ward since there
currently is only one delivery bed and three recovery beds.
The goal is to add another 20 beds to the ward, including
bedding. There will also be a waiting room and triage
section built for mothers not yet admitted, but who require
monitoring. There will be three cottages built and furnished
with five rooms each. Currently, there is no emergency
care facility at Igusi Hospital. Plans for two emergency
care rooms and ten non-emergency care rooms with
complete bedding will help medical officials to provide
necessary care.
Home Project
heart and soul
T h e f o u r t h p h a s e
will focus on staffing
t h e h o s p i t a l a n d
ensuring the hospital is
accessible. J.B. Dondolo
will use raised funds to
implement programs
that will attract medical
staff (including doctors
and nurses) as well as
programs for training
and health education.
The hospital will also
n e e d n o n - m e d i c a l
staff members. Finally,
building access roads to and from Igusi and a referral
hospital will be necessary.
In order to fund such endeavors, J.B. Dondolo is asking for
donations. There is a magazine drive set up at fundraising.
com where a portion of the sales for each magazine
subscription will be dedicated toward J.B. Dondolo's Igusi
Hospital Hope project. For those not wishing to subscribe
to a magazine, direct donation through Amazon Simple Pay
Donations or a text donation are both possible. The J.B.
Dondolo board also has plans to host a 5k race in honor
of raising money for the hospital.