![]() what it meant to be "happy"? something like fifteen academic definitions, so I embraced the broadness of the term. My focus was on whether something's going to make me feel happier, and I didn't worry too much about what the word `happiness' means. I didn't find it a useful thing to ponder. most influential? inspirational because he was super-practical. From his autobiography, I got the idea of doing resolution charts. I consider my spiritual master Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. She was about the every day and wasn't a flashy saint. She's a good person to think about when thinking about ordinary routines. She shows heroic virtue through every day actions. The third person, Samuel Johnson, was a crazy brilliant eccentric lexicographer. Trough studying him, I feel I learn the most about myself. just be for me. My favorite thing in the world is to research. All of my books allow me to do research; I know I was deep into the research when I made the decision. come out as I went in. From the outside, life looks exactly the same, so it's striking how much it's changed. I am writing another book about happiness and keeping a blog that touches upon every subject of life, so both of those help guide me to living a happier life. In terms of the book, as a writer who loves all the books I've written, to see it's resonated with such a large number of people is very rewarding. I was able to connect with my audience in a satisfying way. combat this? a huge difference. Things look better in the morning, so sometimes I will go to sleep early. I will reach out to family or friend. I will kiss more, hug more, and touch more. I will read children's books and give myself a treat or a break. I have become obsessed with the smell of hay. It's beautiful and I decided to save it, so when I am feeling blue I will smell and enjoy it. A lot of times you can |