![]() overweight for most of your life, as was Tory that weight loss is only something other people can achieve. After all, Johnson had met and married the man of her dreams and was working her dream job despite being overweight. Johnson is a weekly contributor on Good Morning America. And although most women in the TV and entertainment business typically are Barbie-doll thin, Johnson has managed to carve out a niche for herself on the top-ranked national morning show that has six million viewers. But it was her first meeting with her new boss that Johnson said caused her to face the woman the mirror. what she didn't say," remembers Johnson of their first meeting. "She spoke a lot about `image.' She never said anything directly about my weight, but I got the message loud and clearly," said Johnson, adding that it was the fear of losing her job and all the privileges the job brought that caused her to seriously pursue weight loss. pounds later, Johnson has written breakthrough. "Shift: How I Finally Lost Weight and Discovered a Happier Life," debuted at #1 on the New York Times best-seller list. Johnson made a stop in Dallas last September to promote her book. was about turning away from things that kept her from reaching her goals. Her vice: movie theater popcorn and Diet Pepsi--DP for short. Johnson said she easily drank a six pack a day. Now she sticks mostly to water and coffee, because, she said, "carbonated drinks are a silent, deadly concoction." And since she has never been able to resist the big tub of popcorn with butter and salt at the movies, Johnson said she and her husband had to cancel their weekly date night. "We just don't go to the movies anymore," she said. with moderate exercise, were just part of Johnson's equation. The third and equally important part for Johnson was to "learn to dismiss those from your life who make your goals tougher," said Johnson. "The friend who offers you sweets or pushes you to keep bad eating habits" must go. is applicable to business and other How fed up are you? Step Two: What am I willing to give up to reach my goals? Step Three: Develop a detailed plan for how many glasses of water a day you will drink, plan your meals to avoid impulse eating, and move more. If you're a frequent traveler--especially for work--take your meals on the road. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. And realize that five minutes of exercise is better than none. Step Four: Remain accountable every day for your actions. Step Five: Embrace patience and celebrate victories. Johnson said losing weight happens with consistent effort, because there is no quick fix. relishes looking in the mirror; she also ended her ten-year hiatus from the doctor's office. I was afraid of the "weight conversation," said Johnson." But, not anymore." |