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benefiTS of uSinG THe
mfa app
It is a user-friendly tool that makes fashion
easy and enjoyable. Create outfits quickly by
mixing and matching with the 3-panel fashion
slider and outfit creation engine.
Saves Time: Decide what to wear anywhere,
anytime. It makes getting dressed a whole lot
easier! Shopping can be done smarter by having
your wardrobe with you.
Keeps You Organized: No more having
everything from your closet lying in piles all over
your floor. It prevents you from wearing the same
item or outfit, too. Visually plan your calendar way
ahead of time--plan for that upcoming event or
special occasion.
Saves Money: Keeps you from buying two of the
same thing (or similar things). Rediscover clothes,
accessories, shoes, and bags in your wardrobe
that you may have forgotten about.
Try Before You Buy: Snap pictures or window-
shop online to see how things really look with
your existing wardrobe.
educates: Daily fashion tips make you aware of
the latest trends, as well as fashion basics.
entertains: 2013 has finally caught up to 1995.
"Be" Cher from Clueless, and have a blast doing
balanced advice
Time Management
MFA has proven to be a time-saver by giving users the ability to
decide what to wear and what to accessorize with, anytime and
anywhere. It makes planning your outfits easy and eliminates the
hassle of trying on multiple outfits.
What is unique about your app?
In a time when many designers are quickly coming up with their
own style apps, our app is not brand-specific. We know that our
users don't just buy one brand or style of clothing, and our app fits
that lifestyle. Our app is all about helping to find pieces that look
great with other pieces, in order to create the perfect ensemble
for each user. All brands and styles are welcomed. In addition,
My Fashion Assistant gives users the ability to communicate with
friends across the iOS and Android platforms.
To learn more about My Fashion Assistant, go to or