95 Hoping is a joyful feeling! From the time we start remembering until the end of our time on earth, everything we hope for can become reality, but we must first pray about it, before we can put our hopes into action. Hope can only become reality if, during our entire lifetime, we pray and regularly obey God’s Doctrines and the Laws of the Land we live in. We also need to be Good Samaritans so that, as we approach our last hour on this earth, the most joyful hope we have had during life will occur when we enter the Heavenly Gate to be welcomed by St Peter. This will eventually lead us to meet God and His Blessed Mother, all the Saints and Angels and, hopefully, our parents, relatives and friends. Can we hope for something that is not possible? My answer is “Yes”. By praying to God, everything is possible, especially if you hope for something which will be beneficial to humanity. For example, we can pray to God that a Medical Scientist will find a cure to stop pain of all kinds, and whatever it takes to make it available free of charge to all sufferers, especially the poor and needy across the world! Finally, the best hope of all becomes reality when our spirit can rest in peace forever in Heaven! THE END