56 Every time some kind of disaster happens, it is deemed an “Act of God”. The insurance companies try to avoid paying for the damage. It is an insult to blame God. It is Satan who causes all these disasters, but non-believers and weak-minded people blame God instead of Satan! Why is humanity taking so long to realise that God loves us all, and the excellent world He created for us. In contrast, Satan continuously causes destruction in order to win supporters. It is a mystery why humanity blames God for all the bad things that happen around the world from time to time. These include sickness, accidents, death, wars and many more sufferings which Satan and his evil followers have caused, ever since God created the world and humanity. If you are a person who blames God, stop now and start praying. God is your Saviour, and will forgive you for your past behaviour. Around the world, on a regular basis, we get many warnings without loss of life or big damage claims. In contrast, we get disasters of all kinds killing people and destroying man-made luxury items. I am certain that all disasters are the work of Satan, with a warning from God that He is hurt by humanity supporting Satan, instead of rejecting all his evil practices. I mentioned before that God gave us freedom of choice from the beginning, but we must not take it for granted. God is the Creator of the Universe and Humanity, and is the Ruler of them all. While Satan is also a supernatural being, he will forever oppose God’s compassion, creating destruction and suffering, and taking advantage of God’s promise of freedom of choice to humanity. Satan will never rule the world! However, we do not know what God will do if humanity continues to disrespect His genuine love for the world and His children. Anyone who has taken advantage of God’s gift of freedom of choice needs to repent now, and ask God for forgiveness before it is too late. Being a genuine religious person, regardless of Denomination, is a gift from God. Unfortunately, some people are followers of Satan, and these are the people who have caused problems since God created the Universe.