8 I, too, have been blessed with many calls from God during my lifetime, the strongest of these being on Good Friday in 1996. While attending the Church Service at 3 pm that day, a thought came to my mind which, I believe, was a message from God suggesting that I produce a Play in Melbourne, which would re-enact the events of Jesus’ Ministry while He was on earth! At first I thought I was dreaming, but the message would not go away. When the Service ended, I told my wife, Fr Sheehy (the Parish Priest), and my friend, Nick Tonti Filippini, of my experience. They, too, thought I was dreaming. I told other people and another Priest. His response was for me not to go ahead with it, as it was a matter for the Church, rather than lay people. This reply made me more determined to go ahead, as I felt that God wanted me to do it, regardless of my poor knowledge of the History of Christianity. I started to pray that God would provide me with everything I needed to put together the greatest story ever told, and that was the beginning of planning for the Passion Play. Planning for the Play took twelve months, and the first performance took place in 1997, at an outdoor venue in Rosebud, Victoria. Satan tried hard to put obstacles in my way, but he lost the battle. A few years later, the setting was moved to Ruffey Lake Park in Doncaster, Victoria, and it has proved an ideal background for the re-enactment. It has been staged every year since, and become a popular outdoor attraction. It is without doubt the greatest achievement of my life. It starts with the Baptism of Jesus, and follows many important events in his worldly life, ending with the Crucifixion and Resurrection. The duration of the Play is approximately two and a half hours. Staging the play involves seventy to eighty people. All members of the crew and those acting are volunteers, and the Play is free of charge to spectators. The Play is non-denominational and non-commercial; there is no preaching. We just tell the story as it happened so long ago.