7 Mary, the Blessed Mother of Jesus, together with His Disciples, followed Him wherever He was preaching. Imagine the pain and suffering she endured during the Trial, and her sorrow when Jesus was falsely found guilty, and was then crucified. His Blessed Mother, Mary, and His Disciples watched Him dying on the Cross at the age of thirty-three. At the end of it all, the Centurion, a Roman Soldier said that Jesus was truly the Son of God! Three days later, Jesus was raised up to Heaven to join His Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. This is known as The Trinity, which means that the three persons are one God! In some religions, during prayer, the Sign of the Cross is made while saying the words “In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen”. Before Jesus was raised up to Heaven, He told all His Disciples to go over all the world and spread the Good News, appealing to all to repent and trust in God. Jesus said “I will be with you all until the end of time. Peace be with you.” Since the Resurrection of Jesus from the Tomb, millions of converts to Christianity have been crucified, including thousands who have been assassinated and fed to the lions at the Colosseum in Rome. This was watched by thousands of nonbelievers and pagans. Unfortunately, in many countries in the world, non-believers are still cruelly killing Christians, simply because they believe and trust in God. However, despite that, as Christians have a commitment and sacrifice for life, Christianity has the largest number of all religions. Considering that Jesus came to this world only two thousand years ago, and the world was created millions of years ago, I am absolutely sure that God is proud of His Creation, and is a compassionate and forgiving Father to all who ask for forgiveness. It is a mystery how it happens that millions of people around the world, from all religions, receive a call from God to give their lives freely as Servants of God - some as Clergy, Religious Sisters, Christian Brothers, Missionaries, Monks - all bound by the vows of poverty! Also, millions of lay people voluntarily freely give their time, talent and knowledge helping the needy world-wide!