79 We all know that God is compassionate, and He is sorry for those people who do not believe in Him. He is waiting for his children to repent at any time and at any age, so it is never too late to turn to God. All believers are Disciples of God, so we must spread the Good News that God is our Saviour, and together we must defeat Satan by convincing his supporters that God is our true Father, and His teachings will never change. By being faithful to Him, we will have eternal rest and peace. Genuine faith does not mean fun and joy; it is a commitment to serve and not to be served, which means that we must share everything we possess with the needy, and treat everyone as we would like others to treat us. We must never feel that we are better than anyone else! Faith helps to overcome jealousy which, to some people, is a disease. They spend their whole life wishing they had what other people have. Jealousy is another evil temptation. It can happen while you are driving if you see a better car or a better house. When dining in a restaurant, the chances are that the food on the table next to where you are sitting looks better. Clothes that other people are wearing are ‘brand names’. We should thank God for what He has provided for us. It is impossible to know all the advantages of knowing and trusting God, as He does not boast. We are all God’s children, most of whom believe in God, but disregard His Doctrines, and turn to the evil life of Satan. They are well aware that it is only a matter of time that their life will be Hell forever. Unfortunately, Satan keeps them busy doing his evil work all over the world, targeting weak people to join him and giving them a false incentive. Faithful people must be alert not to let evil people trap them during a time of weakness. God is full of trust, and His promises will never fail. He still loves His children who have betrayed Him and joined Satan. They only need to ask for forgiveness, and God will welcome them all with open arms.