20 Why? Because in your heart you believe, and you want to know more about your loving, Spiritual Father. He has been patiently waiting for you to turn to Him and say “I love You for creating me, and forgiving me for my indiscretions of the past”. There is no need to find an excuse or reason, because God knows all about your past and present life. It is simple to transfer by rejecting Satan and his evil doing, and join the Kingdom of God. Now and forever you will never regret doing so! The next time you do a favour for someone, offer help or make a donation to charity, first listen to your heart. Next, go to your mind, then take notice of the feeling in your whole body. You can rest assured it will be a sensational and happy experience, because your heart and mind are telling you of their pride in your kindness. Again, take notice when you could have made someone happy who needs some kind of help, but you decided against doing this. Listen to your heart and mind, and you can be sure that every part of your body feels selfish and unhappy, because of your uncharitable attitude towards another needy human. Be happy in the future, start sharing today, and you will not regret it! Remember that the more you help others, the more you will receive from God! Everything we do in our daily lives usually has a mental or written agenda. When we wake in the morning, we should thank God for giving us another day, and pray that God guides and protects the whole family and the world. We should also ask that our Guardian Angel helps us with our daily routine. Unfortunately, Satan has his team of evil angels opposing whatever we do that will please God. Fortunately, our heart and mind tells us what is right or wrong, therefore we know the good things we do are pleasing to God. If our heart and mind tell us we are doing wrong, then we know that it is the evil work of Satan.