66 My mother always said that one mother and father can take care of one hundred children, but one hundred adults may not take care of their parents. Unfortunately, in many cases, this is true! Love is the most powerful and valuable gift in life. Everybody is gifted with an unending quantity of all kinds of love. It is love which opens our mind to see the beauty of the world, and to enjoy it with other human beings. Love has excellent ways to overcome every problem in the world with peaceful results. We all owe God our love and appreciation of the Universe. Let us avoid temptation, and sow love for future generations to harvest. How do we manage love? Some people can and some people do not know how to manage. For example, parents should love their children equally and unconditionally, regardless of their personalities. God says “love your neighbour”, but how can you if they do not love you. You can do this by respecting them in your heart and show them kindness. Eventually, in turn, they will come to love and respect you. If you share your love with others, including those who do not like you, do not stop. The time will come when everyone will discover your gentleness, and your image will spread quickly for being a lovable person. Unfortunately, it takes a long time for people to get to know other people. You are the only one who knows exactly who you are, and the amount of love you possess in your heart for sharing. How can you love someone who harms you on purpose? Silently in your heart you can forgive. Naturally, it is difficult to forget, but you must try, because God will reward you for your bravery! Who is God? God is a supernatural being who is perfect in every way! He created our Universe, Humanity and everything we need to live on this earth. He is a perfect Father who loves all his children equally, making sure that they are all individual beings. He knows everyone by name! God is very pleased with His accomplishments, although no-one knows the beginning.