65 People with a loving heart are happy, regardless of sufferings or grief, because God is in their heart, mind and body, to help them cope with all their problems. People with a loving heart communicate with God regularly, discussing sadness and happiness silently with Him. You cannot liken this to your daily mail or your computer, when the mail goes astray or the computer breaks down. When you communicate with God, there is no risk of interruption, because evil cannot penetrate the love of God in your heart. From time to time during life, we meet up with difficult people who are impossible to manage. However, people with a loving heart can handle the situation, and the end result will be peaceful. Decision-making forms a large part of our life on earth. Sometimes we have plenty of time to make a decision, but other times occur when we must make an instant decision. That is when love is very helpful, as your heart will quickly tell you that love keeps a family together. Naturally, there comes a time when members of the family have a difference of opinion, but a loving heart will rise above this every time! Do we love our parents as much as our parents deserve to be loved? How often do we think about how our mothers carried us in their wombs for nine months, then fed us by hand for years before we were able to feed ourselves. They changed the napkins, taught us how to walk and talk, and drove us to pre-school and school for many years. Our fathers helped our mothers in many ways, including working extra hours to ensure financial security for the family, to provide food and pay expenses, including education expenses. Both our mother and father drove us where we needed to go before we were permitted to drive ourselves. It is a huge commitment for parents, nurturing us until we are able to earn our own living. How much do we appreciate their sacrifices to provide all these things. I urge all those reading this that, if you are lucky enough to have parents who are still alive, you make sure that you value all they have done for you with love. They played an important role in your life, and now it is your turn to do the same for your parents.