73 It was so exciting to see the building in New York from the outside with flags on top of the building. I believed that the representatives coming together would close the gap between the rich and the poor, and the world would be a peaceful place in the future. Unfortunately, over sixty years later, very little, if anything, has changed in the world. Maybe they spend too much time socialising, instead of worrying about the problems of the world. It is a pity, but life experience has shown me that, when honourable, intelligent people reach a top position, they forget why they are there, and selfishness takes over. I believe that the Headquarters of the United Nations should be operated in an independent place, and that track records of all representatives should be scrutinised, ensuring they are genuine and capable of solving problems, such as avoiding wars and poverty. Governments of every country, who have representatives in the United Nations, must be responsible to choose compassionate, lovable candidates, and not someone who is useless as a Member of Parliament and sent to the United Nations organisation. Let us all pray that love replaces the selfishness of all representatives, so they can work towards creating a peaceful world. The United Nations should have the power (granted by every country in the world) to overrule any wrong-doing by any individual nation. It is a huge task but, if we want a peaceful world, all careless and selfish leaders must be replaced with genuine, compassionate leaders. Warning to all those with a heart that loves God, be alert! You can be sure that Satan hates you for all the good things you do. Do not be afraid, because God will protect you day and night. God has given you a Guardian Angel to guard you throughout life, but never give in to temptations, regardless of their supposed value. E-mails and Text messages will eventually cause loneliness. Verbal communication plays a very important role in a love relationship. It is sad to see that technology is taking over and, eventually and unfortunately, there will soon be little, if any, verbal contact. The end result will be the problem of loneliness throughout the world.