25 Governments and Religious Leaders of the World urgently need to get together, and decide on suitable solutions to encourage stable relationships for married people. For the sake of the world’s future generations, husbands and wives must avoid all temptations which could end in divorce. Divorce must be the absolutely last course, after every effort has been made to find solutions, and there seems no chance of reconciliation. The years between youth and adulthood are fresh and vigorous, full of energy and vision that will test one’s ability. The youthful years are the most beautiful years of a lifetime. It is the time when you choose your profession, your lifestyle and friends, and start to appreciate all the good things in life. Youth is also a challenging time! It is when obstacles start to appear, and you have to decide how to overcome problems. As a result, you begin to discover your strengths and weaknesses. The most important factor in Youth is one’s ability to choose friends and acquaintances of good character, to know how to avoid evil temptations, and to keep away from peer pressure. During the years of Youth, it is critical that you make correct decisions in keeping with your desired vision. Do not rush into anything or take huge risks. Do not let ‘con people’ brainwash you. Remember, your future happiness depends on your decisions during these youthful years. Whatever you decide on, take advice from your parents, family members and people you can trust, but you must be the judge with the final verdict! Rejection of the elderly and unwell is common in today’s society. It is an indignity for them to be deprived of civilised courtesy, and any kind of rejection must be stamped out. The public must speak up and defend people who are too fragile to defend themselves. The elderly and unwell should be given special attention, regardless of the state of the economy. The public must force the Government to justify allowances for their well-being, so that they too can live contentedly.