![]() exiting Victorian prisons. It is a Homelessness Innovation address homelessness in female offenders by providing intensive wrap-around support services to women by assisting with long term affordable housing, individualised intensive support, job or employment/training pathways, living skills and mentoring support. release. With a total case load of 50 women, there is daily interaction in the initial three to four weeks following release. emphasis on creating direct links with employment, education and training providers. It also provides intensive supports, group work, individual case management services and the opportunity of the development of independent living skills and community connections with a view to supporting people through a transition from dependence to independence. Restart was a finalist in the National Homelessness Services Achievement Awards 2012. See, Australian Government, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Excellence or Innovation in addressing homelessness by an organisation. <http://www.fahcsia.gov.au/our- responsibilities/housing-support/programs-services/ homelessness/national-homelessness-services- achievement-awards/excellence-or-innovation-in- addressing-homelessness-by-an-organisation> at 18 July 2013. prisoners who would be granted parole are held beyond their eligible release date because acceptable housing cannot be obtained. accommodation, which is less expensive than the continued costs and consequences of imprisonment. numerous key informants: to readjust and reintegrate into the community. We need independence to build up life skills but we also need support with this. Koori women also require programs and services that are flexible, holistic, and take into account the woman's family/caring commitments, needs and structure. Programs should also be tailored to their specific cultural and gender needs as well as the causal factors/drivers of their offending. Sufficient support services need to be put in place to deal with these. Adult Parole Board of Victoria, Adult Parole Board of Victoria 2011-2012 Annual Report (2012) 7. Focus group interview, 17 January 2013 Key informant interview, Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, 15 November 2012. |