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Chapter 8: A way forward 97
Chapter 8:
A way forward
Despite Koori women comprising the fastest
growing segment of the Victorian prison
, limited resources are directed at
addressing their specific needs. As identified in the
evaluation of AJA2
while the number of services
had increased for Koories generally, there are still
inadequate service provisions for Koori women in
contact with the criminal justice system.
One of the six objectives of AJA2 was to increase
diversion/strengthen alternatives to imprisonment.
In particular to "increase the rate at which justice
agencies divert Koories from more serious contact with
the criminal justice system and strengthen community-
based alternatives to imprisonment"
and, specifically
in relation to Koori women, "implement initiatives that
divert Koori women from prison".
To support this objective, numerous strategies were
developed including initiatives under the Better
Pathways program. However, despite these efforts,
there remain few community-based diversion facilities
or initiatives specifically for Koori women. As a result,
the number and proportion of Koori women in prison
has continued to increase with far reaching impacts
on families and communities. Thus addressing
the needs of Koori women remains the unfinished
business of the Aboriginal Justice Agreement.
Our research confirms previous studies
that have noted the corrosive effects
of imprisonment upon individuals and
communities, as well as the fiscal impact
of a growing population of Koori women
in contact with the criminal justice
system and in prison. There are few
positives to imprisoning Koori women,
and few disadvantages of diversion.
Nous Group, above n 25, 54.
Ibid 50-51.

Objective 2. State of Victoria, Department of Justice,
`AJA2', above n 24, 32.
Objective 2. Ibid 20.
Activity 2.4.2. Ibid 34.