![]() Community Correctional Services (CCS) and the Adult Parole Board of Victoria (APB). Corrections Victoria is responsible for managing prisoners completing custodial sentences, offenders sentenced by the courts to serve a Community Corrections Order (through CCS) and overseeing prisoners released from prison on parole by the APB. Corrections Victoria includes an Aboriginal Programs Unit, as part of the Offending Behaviour Programs Branch. management, and security of prisons, including the welfare of prisoners under the Corrections Act 1986 (Vic) and the associated Corrections Regulations 2009 (Vic). prisons for men (including one transitional facility) and two prisons for women. Corrections Victoria, including the two women's prisons Dame Phyllis Frost Centre (DPFC) and Tarrengower Prison. Two male prisons are privately owned and operated. women at DPFC a 300-bed maximum-security facility accommodating women of all security levels. programs, drug and alcohol treatment, health and wellbeing, and education and training. security prison located in Maldon (136km north of Melbourne). Tarrengower provides programs and services that focus primarily on preparation for release and community reintegration. Port Phillip Prison and Fulham Correctional Centre. This includes reception, remand, sentenced, management and protection. State of Victoria, Corrections Victoria, `Transition to Tarrengower', above n 331, 3. 374 human rights standards and the Standard Guidelines for Corrections in Australia regulates both publicly and privately operated prisons. Visitors (IPVs) provide important oversight. These volunteers speak with prisoners and provide the Minister for Corrections with independent and objective advice on the operation of Victoria's prisons. There are currently 39 volunteers visiting Victorian prisons. During 2011-12 visitors conducted over 342 prison visits". Koori IPV's servicing the whole state. This creates significant challenges for the program. they undergo a variety of assessments to determine their security/classification ratings, location (placement) and treatment needs as part of their Sentence Plan. Private prisons are public authorities under s 4 of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic); See also, United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, ESC Res 663C, UN ESCOR, Supp No 1, at 11, UN Doc E/3048 (31 July 1957); United Nations Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, GA Res 3452 (XXX), annex, 30 UN GAOR Supp No. 34, UN Doc A/10034 (1975); Standard Guidelines for Corrections in Australia (Revised 2004). <http://www.aic.gov.au/criminal_justice_system/ corrections/reform/standards.html> at 18 July 2013. These standards also apply Community Correctional Services. 2011-12 Appendix (2012) 213. < https://assets.justice. vic.gov.au/justice/resources/c9291426-b7b7-4b2e- a59c-6ddc7589adff/annual_report_appendix2012.pdf> at 25 July 2013. State of Victoria, Corrections Victoria, Sentence Management Manual (2012) Part 2, ch AC3, AC4, AC5. <http://www.corrections.vic.gov.au/utility/publications+ma nuals+and+statistics/sentence+management+manual+- +part+2> at 11 June 2013. |