![]() security, `open' prison have a minimum (C1 or C2) security rating and demonstrate good behaviour in prison. recommended for women who have demonstrated a pattern of non-compliant behaviour, violence and drug/alcohol related incidents within the prison environment. at DPFC and 52 women in Tarrengower. Of these 52 women, two were Koori. Tarrengower include its location, including high travel costs and long journeys for family visits, a lack of Koori specific cultural programs and services, and classification ratings. common for her to be the only Koori person there leading to isolation. This is the most significant hinderance to Koori women utilising Tarrengower. State of Victoria, Corrections Victoria, `Transition to Tarrengower', above n 331, 6. State of Victoria, Corrections Victoria, `Transition to Tarrengower', above n 331, 11-13. Tarrengower, service provision appears limited. Transition Assistance Program (TAP) and Women's Integrated Support Program (WISP) are the main transitional services and no Koori specific services are delivered. provides limited services to Koori women at Tarrengower on an ad hoc basis. Family Visits Program operates. Officer now covers Tarrengower for one day per week. Tarrengower, its underuse is a significant lost opportunity to improve transition planning and support to assist Koori women to reintegrate into the community upon release. It is also a missed opportunity to house Koori women in a more humane environment commensurate with their offence type. cultural challenges of Tarrengower need to be developed to allow greater participation by Koori women. Ibid 12. 395 Ibid. 396 Information provided by Corrections Victoria to the Commission, 18 July 2013. |