![]() Commission (the Commission) is an independent statutory body that has functions under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 (Vic) and the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (the Charter). Our functions include resolving disputes, providing education about human rights and equal opportunity, undertaking projects and activities aimed at eliminating discrimination and promoting human rights, conducting research, and providing legal and policy advice. In addition, the Commission reports to the Attorney-General on the operation of the Charter and, at the request of public authorities, conducts compliance reviews. Commission's statutory research functions under section 157 of the Equal Opportunity Act. Strait Islander people are over-represented in the criminal justice system nationally, and in Victoria. women, as the numbers of Koori female prisoners continues to grow. time in Victorian prisons, including on remand, has a profound impact on these women, their children, families and communities, as well as on the justice system itself. whenever a person serves a custodial sentence or is placed on remand their Charter rights, and those protected at international law, are engaged. See, Commonwealth, Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, National Report (1991); State of Victoria, Department of Justice, Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement Phase 1 (2000); State of Victoria, Department of Justice, Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement Phase 2 (AJA2) (2006); Nous Group, Evaluation of the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement Phase 2 (2012); State of Victoria, Department of Justice, 'AJA3', above n 15. |