![]() Koori-specific Court Integrated Services Program. This program should include dedicated services for Koori women. the Aboriginal Justice Forum to develop guidance to Magistrates on barriers to the successful completion of diversion for Koori women, with a view to developing more flexible and responsive options for this cohort. Noting the distinct patterns of offending arising from multi-age peer groups among young Koori women, this work should include a review of eligibility for Koori women who are not first time offenders. 1977 in realising the right to equality and cultural rights, that: registrars, Magistrates and bail justices on the implementation of this section and Human Rights Commission and specifically address the intersection of the Bail Act and the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006. independent prison visitors in Victoria, that the Office of Correctional Services Review undertake a review of this program, including eligibility criteria so that more Koori community members may participate. residential program for Koori women on bail, Community Corrections Orders and post release be established. This Women's Place (the hub) should: providing reconnection to culture · offer culturally appropriate support and providers may be and however large that may be · be flexible and tailored to where women are in deal with these to, and after their time at the Women's Place women in contact with the criminal justice system. should include: Program transition planning and services for Koori women exiting prison, including the Transition Assistance Program, Konnect, mentoring programs and the Women's Integrated Support Program Noting that Koori women are refused bail due to a chronic lack of appropriate accommodation, that in the short term, Corrections Victoria extend its existing transitional (bail) house program by leasing additional Koori women's houses. At least one of these new transitional houses should be located in metropolitan Melbourne. Over time these houses should be replaced by the Women's Place as recommended above. Worker Program and the Koori Offender Support and Mentoring Program in assisting Kooris to address fines payments, that these programs be enhanced with a specific focus on Koori women with multiple fines and at risk of imprisonment. |