![]() National Indigenous Reform Agreement, Indigenous Affairs Framework 2010-13 (VIAF), in the health and quality of life of Indigenous Victorians. Framework 2013-18 was released. This contains generational targets for improving Aboriginal justice outcomes linked to the AJA3. For example it includes "a commitment to close the gap in the number of Aboriginal people (youth and adult) under justice supervision by 2031". Action Plan, which aims to improve access, participation and effectiveness of justice programs and services to Koories. and Communities: a 10-year plan developed by the Victorian Indigenous Family Violence Partnership Forum to address family violence in the Koori community State of Victoria, Department of Planning and Community Development, Victorian Indigenous Affairs Framework 2010 2013 (2010) 5. State of Victoria, Department of Justice, `AJA3', above n 15, 23. State of Victoria, Department of Planning and Community Development, Victorian Government Aboriginal Inclusion Framework 2011. <http://www.dpcd. vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/51615/Aboriginal- Inclusion-Framework-_7_Nov_2011.pdf> at 15 July 2012. State of Victoria, Department of Planning and Community Development, Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families: Towards a Safer Future for Indigenous Families and Communities. <http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/__data/ assets/pdf_file/0018/35523/Final_10_Year_Plan_ Oct08_2nd_Edition.pdf> at 15 July 2013. 2010-15 Aboriginal Strategic Framework 2013-15 Aboriginal Children and Young People State of Victoria, Department of Health, Koori Alcohol Action Plan 2010-20 (2011). <http://www.health.vic. gov.au/aod/pubs/kaap.htm> at 15 July 2013; State of Victoria, Department of Health, Koori Suicide Prevention and Response Action Plan 2010-15 (2010). <http://docs.health.vic.gov.au/docs/doc/CDB9E9737 F728141CA257A530018EAC8/$FILE/vasprap-action- plan-2010-15.pdf > at 15 July 2013. State of Victoria, Department of Health, Koolin Balit: Victorian Government Strategic directions for Aboriginal Health 2012-22 (2012). <http://www.health.vic.gov.au/ aboriginalhealth/koolinbalit.htm> at 15 July 2013. State of Victoria, Department of Human Services, Services Connect: Better Services for Victorians in Need (2013). <http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/about-the-department/ plans,-programs-and-projects/projects-and-initiatives/ services-connect> at 15 July 2013; Department of Human Services, Human Services Aboriginal Strategic Framework 2013-15 (2013) <http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/about- the-department/documents-and-resources/policies,- guidelines-and-legislation/human-services-aboriginal- strategic-framework-2013-2015> at 15 July 2013. State of Victoria, Department of Human Services, Victoria's Vulnerable Children: our shared responsibility Strategy 2013-22. <http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/__data/ assets/pdf_file/0010/764281/Victorias_vulnerable_ children_strategy.pdf> at 15 July 2013. State of Victoria, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Wannik: Learning Together Journey to Our Future (2008). <http://www.education. vic.gov.au/about/programs/aboriginal/pages/wannik. aspx> at 15 July 2013; State of Victoria, Department of Education, Employment and Training, Wurreker: The Message Carriers (2000). <http://vaeai.org.au/_ uploads/_ckpg/files/Wurreker%20Strategy%202000. pdf> at 15 July 2013. |