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Knowledge is Power
balance advice
While these are my memories, we all have similar ones
from growing up and feeling the excitement about
becoming more and more free every time we jumped
in and did something that we previously could not do.
As we grow older, we can sometimes forget what this
excitement of learning looks and feels like. But you only
need to look at the face of child learning to ride a bike
for the first time to remember the excitement.
We were taught at a young age that knowledge is power
and freedom. Don't forget this lesson! Constantly focus
on rekindling your spark for learning in order to claim
your independence.
take resPoNsiBilitY For Your learNiNg.
We all have unique circumstances in our life that can
either promote learning moments or not. How we use our
powers of influence to capitalize on these circumstances
affects our learning and our independence.
Let's take for example the case of Bored Bill. Bored Bill
has worked in the same job for 10 years and does the
exact same thing day in and day out. Bill would like to
advance in his career, but his company will not pay for
continued education or credentials, so Bill sees no other
option than to remain where he is, bored out of his mind.
Sitting across the cubicle from Bill in a cozy corner office
is Crafty Chris. Chris started in the same job as Bill 10
years ago but, since then, Chris has been investing in
his education by earning credentials that are important
to his career path, as well as taking night classes to earn
a degree in his field. Chris recently got promoted to
manager of his division, and is stimulated and challenged
daily by the work tasks that lay before him.
When thinking about your learning goals, rather than
focusing on your circle of concern (what you can't
control), focus on your circle of influence (what you can
control). Learning is a very personal investment that will
stay with you throughout your life wherever you go. So
make sure to take responsibility of your learning goals
and invest in them as you would any other valuable asset.
Believe iN You.
One of my favorite quotes is from Vincent Van Gogh; it
says: "If you hear a voice within you say, `You cannot
paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be
silenced." With my recent interest in the show "Dancing
with the Stars," a voice started to creep into my head that
told me ­ "Wow, those dancers are talented. You are way
too uncoordinated to do that!" And that is when I decided
to start salsa lessons. In these weekly salsa lessons, as I
learn new moves, I get excited at the realization that I
am getting better, and while I might be a way off from
"Dancing With the Stars" status, I am much better than
when I started.
What internal voices do you have that keep you from
learning something new? Sometimes you have to be really
quiet to hear them, as many of these voices have been
around for so long that they have become a belief system
that we no longer question, but just take as fact. Things
like, "I'm not good at math," or "I have two left feet and
could never dance well." The thing about these statements
is that they are self-fulfilling prophecies, because if you
believe them you will never strive to improve.
Take a moment to write down all of the negative self-talk
that your sneaky subconscious has led you to believe.
Then, on a new piece of paper, write the opposite, such
as "I am awesome at math" or "I can achieve `Dancing
with the Stars' status."
If there is a learning goal you are going after, you first
need to tell yourself that you are capable of doing it
­ and you will be. Claim your independence through
learning today.
To learn more about Cheetah Learning's programs, career advice or
to register for a program, visit or call (888) 659-2013.
"If you hear a voice within you say, `You cannot
paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be
silenced." -- Vincent Van Gogh