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heart & soul
Money Manager
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sPriNg editioN 2012
You've authored several books. What made you
write the book "War on debt Movement"?
The "War on Debt Movement" is a DVD but the name of the
book that I wrote is called Release Your Dreams. The DVD is
what I created from my teachings on debt finance. With the
book I wanted to simply share my story so that maybe someone
would be inspired by my story since it has all the things that
you're not supposed to do when it comes to finance. I did it... I
blew it all. My mess became my message. That's what Release
Your Dreams is all about. The DVD is a step-by-step tool to
teach people to be financially free.
What are some of your secrets to becoming
One of the secrets is first, not to live like everyone else is living.
I tell people first of all to have a purpose. Every dollar that you
make, all money that comes in that is entrusted to you should
have a purpose. So, I tell people to sit down and allocate every
dollar that comes into their home. As soon as you get a check,
every dime should have a purpose. If it doesn't you might as
well flush it down the toilet because that's exactly what will
happen. And that happened to me. My money didn't have a
purpose. Then I would tell people to give every dollar a name.
Find a happy number that you can live off of and still be able
to do the things you love to do. Don't live above your purpose.
Instead, live above your dreams. You will also be able to see
where you're blowing your money and where you can invest
your money. Giving your money a name is a perfect way to see
yourself debt-free.
Who can be debt-free? Are there people who can't?
Everyone can be debt-free. Everyone has an "opportunity" to
be debt free. The downside of that is most of us won't do what
it takes to be debt-free. If you think your whole life revolves
around designer this. . . designer that... finer this... finer
that... then you'll wind up borrowing to live that life because
a majority of us don't make that kind of money. You'll find
yourself living on credit cards and things of that nature to get
the house and car you want. There's nothing wrong with that.
God wants us to have finer things. The problem is that a lot
of people live above their means just to impress people who
really don't even matter. I truly believe that everyone can be
debt-free. The Bible says, "He comes to give us life and life
more abundantly." But some of us have let abundant stuff take
control over us. Most of us don't have financial peace. I was
$300,000 in debt trying to impress people... buying clothes
and finer things. If you work hard, you can play that role. Just
don't do it to where it overshadows the reason why it is that we
go out. We're to live in peace and be content. So, sit back and
give each dollar a name and purpose. The worst thing is to be
left with nothing but a car and a closet full of clothes.
For more information on Rod Warren, visit