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heart & soul
LM: You've written powerful books
depicting your struggles in life and
lessons learned. simply put, your books
are not only motivational but they also
empower and educate people on how to
deal with life's challenges. As you wrote
these books, what was your source of
strength and courage? And which book
speaks to you the most?
RH: My entire motivation is to empower
people and my source of strength and
courage comes from God. I try to take
God's principles and help others understand
that they can-with the help of God-turn
things around.
I believe that everything you need is already
inside. So, "Just do it!" That's a big-time quote
we all hear used in Nike's ads, and they are right.
But with the greater source-God-nothing is
impossible. Jesus said in the Word found in Mark
10:27, "With men it is impossible, but not with
God; for all things are possible with God."
People most often don't rise above life's
challenges, most times because they don't know
how to handle the situations they are faced with.
And taking the right steps in the right direction
when faced with difficulty can be a challenge in
itself. However, if a person can learn to follow a
process even in the midst of bad times, they can
get back to the good times.
You can't sit back and pretend it doesn't exist.
You have to confront where you are! Especially
those of us that profess to be Christians! God's
Word is clear on what we must do! We must
trust HIM to see us through! So when your life
seems bent out of shape and it's crooked, apply
Proverbs 3: 5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your
heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make
your paths straight."
Writing books and speaking enable me to pull
from my own experiences and share my own personal strength
and courage with others on a more intimate level. That's why
I love writing and, as you said, being able to motivate, inspire,
educate, and empower! I really like that tag line-I'm going to use
it if it's okay (laughing).
LM: We prefer to leave the past behind, especially when
we know our lives have changed. How does Renee
prefer to live her life going forward?
RH:Well, again, let's look at a few empowerment principles
that I know for a fact really work.
·Don't get stuck in the past; that's your history.
·Learn to live in your NOW; this is where you can make
the adjustments about your past.
·Don't allow what you did or what happened to affect
your NOW.
·Learn how to manage and improve your NOW, in
preparation for your FUTURE.
·Seeing your FUTURE should always propel you to live life
forward! Because there is so much more!
In spite of everything that happened, I applied the principles and
I choose to live life going forward.