![]() People's Choice was quite encouraging and validating given my hardships over the preceding years. I was quite humbled to be selected and I was elated to know that people still cared. woman who is at peace and who has embraced life fully. As the song says, "I'm stronger, I'm better, I'm wiser." want people everywhere (not just in the Body of Christ) to understand that no matter what happens in your life, you can overcome it. 2. Remember, life is made up of a series of events, and stuff event in your life will determine the outcome. For me, I didn't like the event, I wish it never happened, BUT if I wanted a good outcome, I knew I had to respond in a way that would bring good results! get stuck in this place because someone did something and they feel like they are defined by whatever action that occurred. Many tried (and still do try) to define me, my children, and the church. The people connected to us by what happened with this scandal-even to this day, seven years later-people that are in relationship with me are often told by others that me and the church are dangerous, or that they are going to destroy their ministries by connecting to me. We are still referred to as "THAT CHURCH." others who did wrong, the majority did not, and it's wrong to put everyone in the same box or make everyone else pay when the choices of one individual have created a wrongful situation. I think for me this was one of the most hurtful things that occurred. And I had to really choose to forgive others for their insensitivity toward me and my children, as we, too, had to deal with this very public, do with. Of course, there will be many that disagree with that statement. People have said hurtful things about "I had to know what was going on"; "I was responsible." That is so not true. I, along with my children and the church were affected by the choices someone else made. I tell my children and the church, "You are not what someone else did." I also teach them that what YOU do does affect other people, so be responsible. To keep myself, my children, the church, and the community in which I serve moving in the right direction, I chose to spend these seven years of silence (they have been well spent in the presence of God), healing, reflecting, resolving, forgiving, rebuilding, and coming to the place of peace! I believe that the ultimate assignment for what God has called me to for this season of my life is still being developed. But I do know for sure that after seven years, I realize that I have the strength to stand and speak to platforms such as: church hurt, overcoming crisis, finding hope in the midst of hopelessness, and much more. In the words of Maya Angelou, "We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated." |