![]() needs disappear charities on the Indie Gospel Artist network began in 2008 with one simple purpose: to win souls and feed the kids. We are aware of the change in our financial culture due to the economy. In response to that, we have created a program to capture smaller donations, called C4C or "Change for Children." of giving back was a difficult one. I gave whole heartedly and sacrificially to three scam artists before I understood that there were more wolves than sheep collecting my hard-earned dollars. One Christmas, my family and I decided to sponsor children in an orphanage and forgo our own gifts and celebration. It felt good at the time, until I found out months later that the orphanage did not even exist. take my anger and disappointment about being `taken' and do something positive about it. That was when the owner of Indie Gospel, Ken Rich, asked me if I would be interested in becoming the Worthy Charity Oversight Director of his massive network. I accepted his invitation and proceeded with a plan of action. I made a promise to my team and all of the network members that I would make giving safe. there are many more real and desperately needy charities than there are swindlers. In a sea of scammers out to collect from the whole of heart and trusting givers, we at Indie have educated and empowered ourselves organizations. We are winning the war. My job is to ensure the `worthy' in a worthy charity and we promote giving only to organizations that are transparent and accountable to the Body of Christ. Now with our C4C program we are able to collect very small donations that compile for two months and those funds are given to a "Spotlighted Charity" for a two-month period. give big, give of your talents and to entire villages, help leaders in Board Members, we communicate, network, share information, develop worldwide relationships, and use our God-given intuition to effectively investigate every ministry, orphanage or needy charity that seeks our help. I developed a due diligence process for us to adhere to, before allowing a charity into our program. what they ask for and we verify every request. This is where the scammers surface most visibly. Unfortunately, there are scammers who have real credentials, created by ministries with integrity who are unaware of the deception. Having the correct papers in order is only a start with us. We have learned that a true Christian ministry will not beg, or call you frequently. They use their dollars instead for needy children. They seldom have medical emergencies, and they don't usually ask for specific amounts of money. simply and humbly ask for our help as the Lord directs us. The worthy ministries cooperate with our requests for proof and basically jump through our hoops willingly. They desire to not only prove their validity but they insist on doing their share of the work for what they receive. goals. Every charity we serve on a regular basis will have our eyes on it. In other words, someone we know visits the charity organization to confirm, as an objective observer, that the charity is doing what they say they are doing with our dollars and cents. |