![]() a recognized authority in the sport of open water swimming. He will listen to your goals and then share with you everything you need to know, and you may even get California, is a seasoned coach and has been the "go-to" person for information related to open water swimming and swimming marathons for a long time. He advises the U.S. Masters Swimming on open water swimming. open water swimming materials used by NBC, USA Swimming, the Beijing Olympic Committee, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, National Public Radio, and National Geographic magazine. We might as well call this "Munatones' world" because he's everywhere. He also serves as the Technical Delegate for the Special Olympics and as an adviser to race directors in the USA, from California to New York, Brazil, the Cayman Islands, Fiji, Greece, Mexico, and Japan. coach, administrator, writer, race director, kayaker, paddler, official, observer, and adviser in the sport of open water swimming. One of the highlights of his career occurred when he became an International He has been the coach for USA Swimming National Open Water Swimming several times including at five World Championships. programs for coaches, administrators, and referees. He has also received numerous swimming recognitions and awards, including the Irving Davids/Captain Roger Wheeler Award from the International Swimming Hall of Fame and the Glen S. Hummer Award and two Open Water Swimming Committee Awards from USA Swimming. The credits go on. Munatones may spend a substantial amount of time in the water, but he still finds time to write and share his knowledge of swimming with the world. |