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How did you earn the title
"The Common sense Money
I came up with the name in my
workshops. I noticed that people were
commenting on the great job I did on
money management. The `Common
Sense Money Manager' came from
breathing and making the harder things
common to managing the money.
How was Warren Global LLC
consulting firm born?
It was born when God turned my mess
into my message. My pastor, A.J. Golden,
came to my home one day just to visit
and spend some time. He noticed me
managing my monthly bills. He also saw
the way that I was doing my monthly
bills and writing on them the date and
time, the combination of numbers and if
I had talked to a representative. He got
very interested and said, "people need
to see this and they need to learn how
to do this. That would be a career to go
out and teach people to do exactly the
same." He didn't realize it, but he gave
me a hint that this was my passion and
something that the world would need.
So, I started doing my due diligence to
Money Manager
heart & soul
"I get paid in a week but I won't have anything left by the time I get my
paycheck. I have too many things to pay for and I'm already broke." Sound
familiar? We've all been there. Just how good are we at managing our money?
Unfortunately, money mismanagement happens to all of us, at least at some
point in our lives. You may think of money management as a "common
sense" task, but Rod Warren, The Common Sense Money Manager and
President of Warren Global LLC, tells us that it takes discipline to know how to
manage money.
Warren was once "dead broke" and in a financial mess. At very young age he
had earned well over a half-million dollars, just to see it all go down the drain
due to mismanagement. And now, he is celebrated as the nation's youngest
top Business and Financial Expert. To top it off, he's also a book author, real
estate investor and motivational speaker.
Discipline? Exactly what kind of discipline do we need? You probably have the
answer to the question, but "The Common Sense Money Manager" may want
to add to that... not necessarily "adding money" to your account for giving
the correct answer, but more like "adding to your knowledge" and giving you
guidance on your finances.
money manager
Interview by Equanimity
WarreN addresses the FolloWiNg questioNs:
teach people the "how to" concept. That's
how my company was born--from my
pastor Golden's insight.
Your sole purpose in life is to
see others achieve true financial
freedom. Is it true that you want
financial freedom for others more
than you want it for yourself?
Absolutely! I live by the model. The model
is "Use your light to serve the world and
you will find that it also serves you."
At the tender age of twenty-five
you had earned well over a half-
million dollars. How did you earn
it? How did you lose it all?
It was a combination of two things. While
I was in the US Navy, I was given all the
opportunities, including learning how
to take care of my finances. When I got
out of the military, I became a computer
programmer making anywhere from $50-
55 an hour plus bonuses. Over that time
period, I accumulated over $300,000 in
debt and I blew over one-half of a million
dollars when it came to financial matters.
It all was a result of receiving finances
while I was in the military and also once
I got to be a database administrator. As
a programmer I received tons of money
from doing that.