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be our next...
Be Next oN
our Cover
We are looking for
YOU! Do you have a
compelling story to
share with us? Your
story has to mean
something to you. It
has to bring about
balance and change.
Most of all, it has
to empower others
e n o u g h t o s e e k
change and pursue
their dreams.
Submit a brief summary of your story only on
our Website at and
click the Contact Us/Feedback link to fill out the
form or email a summary of your story only to Email Subject line
"Submit Story".
We will contact you if we are interested in pursuing
your story.
Attention Models (men, women, and children of
all ages)
We hold model competitions once a year to
select the hardest working model. Share your
success and inspire other models to follow
your footsteps. You have to be a paid model to
win this competition. Enter our contest and be
featured in our magazine. Submit yourself at Please DO NOT send
us photos. We will contact every contestant for
an evaluation.