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Fall editioN 2012
fashion & style
The soleRebels footwear collection ranges from sandals to
flip-flops to shoes, all made from recycled car tires and other
sustainable ingredients such as hand-spun and hand-loomed
organic fabrics made from natural fibers, including organic pure
abyssinian jutes and koba.
Alemu believes that when resources are limited, we must value
and use everything regardless of its original purpose. soleRebels'
chief designer takes pride in the unique cultural arts her country
has practiced for years, a fact supremely evident in her footwear
collection that leverages Ethiopia's unique heritage, making
soleRebels one of the premier eco-ethical design companies on
the planet. If soleRebels can also preserve African culture, give
back to the community, and make the world a better place at
the same time, then so much the better.
If you're looking for comfortable, eco-friendly footwear, check
out the soleRebels website at