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Peace through Education...
Imagine each child around
the world receiving a quality
education, and that educated
child growing into an educated
adult. Peace through Education
is a documentary film project
exploring the impact of quality
education in conflict-affected
areas throughout the world.
Visit their facebook page for
more information.
Circadian Rhythms...
Find your peak
energy times by monitoring your Circadian
Rhythms. Use a spreadsheet program or
a weekly planner and use this to monitor
your rhythms each day. Write down every
15 or 30 minutes what you are doing and
how productive you feel. Let the number 1
be incredibly productive, and the number
10 recording your sleep or slowest time.
Once you have a map, after a two week
period you will then see your distinctive
pattern. Low energy times can be used
for things that don't need high-levels of
concentration and this plan may help you
be more constructive during your high-
level rhythm.
visual Journaling...
Find out who you
are through visual journaling. This book
by Barbara Ganim and Susan Fox gives
you a journaling outlet through simple
images. Their reasoning is that words
come from the left brain, which interprets
experiences through our learned beliefs
and expectations but imaging can help
anyone move beyond thought into deep
reaches of feeling and intuitive knowing
that can reduce stress and overcome
Pack with a Purpose...
Follow a
simple formula in packing and find stress
relief. Next time you take a trip try these
tips from Pack three
tops for every bottom, and stick to a
color scheme; two neutrals for your core
basic and two to three fun shades that
To-do List's Prep...
Prepare your to-
do list the day before. If you find that lists
help you stay balanced, then write your
day's to-do list the night before, you'll
sleep better, and wake up with a plan.
Black pants:
Black pants go with
everything and makes your wardrobe
challenges simple. Get the most out of a
black pant by selecting a style made of
an all-season fabric, like tropical wool
or viscose.
Try something new...
Sometimes all
you need to do for a quick balance check
is to try something new like a new route to
work, a new toothpaste, or a new Starbucks
flavored latte ­ change can be fun and
mixing it up can keep you balanced.
by Laura Lilley Smith
What dosha are you?
From the chopra Center for Wellbeing, take the dosha quiz.
According to their website, "In Ayurvedic medicine, every person has a unique dosha or
mind-body constitution. Your dosha is like a blueprint that outlines the innate tendencies of
your system. Knowing your dosha will help you make the most nourishing choices for your
physical health and emotional balance." The three dosha's are: Vata ­energetic and on the
Pitta ­ sharp intellect and enjoy a good challenge; kapha: a powerful build and great
physical strength and endurance. Find out what dosha you are and how to stay in balance at
The Hormonal Health diet...
Read this book by endocrinologist Scott Isaacs and learn
why hormones in both men and women get out of sorts and how your diet might play a big role in
the balance.
Try to see it my way...
The line the Beatles made famous has to do with compromise.
It's a key way for relationships to stay balanced. Three ways to do that: show appreciation
to your partner; give without expecting a pay back; have open communication.
Way to Stay Balanced
balance advice