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hIstorIcal cape town
Cape Town's rich history traces back to a
time when it was originally home to the Khoi
and San nomads. Fast forward to 1487
when explorer Bartholomew Dias set sail
from Portugal around the southern tip of
Africa, to find a sea route to the riches of the
East, landed in the cape and named it the
Cape of Good Hope.
It was at this time that the Cape of Good
Hope became an important landmark for
mariners, and Table Bay at the foot of the
majestic Table Mountain, became a haven
where seafarers could seek shelter and take
on board fresh supplies of fruit, vegetables,
water and meat, all of which was bartered
from the local inhabitants. It was at this
time in history that the city of Cape Town
was founded originally as a supply stop for
the Dutch East India Company. Today this
exciting, and sometimes chequered past,
is what sets the largest city in the Western
Cape Province apart from its sibling cities
in South Africa, creating a literal tapestry of
adventure for local and international tourists
to explore, discover and enjoy the many
experiences it has on offer.
Whether it's sipping fine wine in the Cape
Winelands, putting your feet in the sand at
Clifton beach, being enveloped by the history
of Robben Island, enjoying a cultural tour
through the Cape Malay Bo-Kaap or hiking
up Table Mountain - in Cape Town there is
a place for everything, and everything in its
place. Cape Town is largely accepted as the
most popular international tourist destination
in Africa, due to its good climate, natural
setting, well-developed infrastructure and
attractions.Cape Town is not only the perfect
place to spend your next holiday, but it is
also the perfect location for a hotel.
As the most popular international
tourist destination in Africa, due
to its good climate, natural setting,
well-developed infrastructure
and attractions.