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are simple, combatants are required to rub
and lean their necks against each other, the
male who can hold themselves the most
erect wins.
While this sounds tame, necking bouts
and duels are known to get rather aggressive
and can lead to banging and beating of
necks and ossicones together.
adapTaBle By naTure
Giraffes can be found as far afield as South
Africa to Chad and are found in savannas,
grasslands, woodlands and even deserts.
They are required to eat in excess of 34
kgs of food a day to sustain their large
frames so they will forage most of the day,
while on the move or standing still.
A tree that has been visited by a giraffe
isn't always fortunate. In fact they have
such an effect on the trees upon which
they feed that they will delay the growth of
young trees and even change the shape of
others upon which they have fed.
The giraffe tends to be found in groups
or herds. While these are usually made up
of mothers and their young it is not unusual
for mixed-sex groups to walk together. It is
predominantly older males that are more
solitary creatures, while mothers with their
young are considered a lot more sociable
and prefer to stick together in larger
groups. While not territorial giraffes have
what are known as home-ranges in which
they prefer to stick to.
It is a myth that giraffes are mute.
While they tend not to be very vocal
creatures they can be vocal. During
courting males tend to cough, females call
their little ones by bellowing, calves snort,
bleat, moo and even mew. They are also
known to snore, hiss, moan and make
flute-like sounds ­ so silent or mute they
most certainly are not!
A giraffe can live up to 25 years and
while we may think their odd shape and
gangly nature would make them a target to
predators, their speed and ability to deliver
a swift sharp kick, are evidence to the
opposite. They are much more likely to be
eaten by a crocodile while leaning over to
drink than they are to be caught and eaten
by a lion.
an afrIcan favourITe
Today, with its gorgeous long eyelashes,
nonchalant swagger and its charismatic
nature, the giraffe is a firm favourite of
tourists and locals alike. No African bush
encounter is complete without spotting and
spending some time gazing upon these
magnificent creatures while in their natural
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