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balance advice
people in the Portland area with my little recording
device! They liked my moxie, gave me tips, and eventually
I got to be an on-air reporter, and that was my first parlay
into the business. My first broadcast about an Easter Egg
hunt went viral in the media world.
So, I encourage people to go after their dream, no matter
who they are.
Also, surround yourself with other dreamers. On my
Facebook page, people share their dreams and goals and
everyone jumps in. The Internet has made it so someone
in another country can support you and that's all you
need: to help each other."
unleash your Star power
"Through video marketing and communications, I coach
business owners and CEOs using actor's tools. People
judge you by your image; a little training, even on Skype,
about how to use lighting correctly in video conferences,
for example, can work wonders for your image. I love
being an actress, but feel my real purpose is helping others
find their voice and shine. I've worked with people who
cry at the thought of speaking in public and once I give
them some tools, they have magical transformations.
I also teach people to create their own personal sound
bites and eliminate nerves that hold them back; they learn
to fight those overwhelming feelings.
Next time you get in front of a camera, do a little giggle--
your energy shoots out. It works! Actors aren't born
knowing certain techniques, we learn them, and so I
decided to use them to help non-actors succeed. I like to
say, `Put a little show biz in your business.'"
connect to your purpose
"Whatever is inside of you, put into action. All my life I've
been studying what makes an actor, I've studied what
makes star power, and everything I learned in these
acting classes, I realized we need in real life as well,
especially communicating heart-to-heart. I love the craft
of acting, but I'm older now--I just hit my big 6-0 and
have a grandson--but I still have to have a purpose in
life; I feel the clock ticking but I still have to inspire others
and myself!
A few years ago, I filmed the movie A Perfect Ending, which
debuted in the UK. I'm nude, and with a woman in my
role. At first, I was thinking, `Oh no, can I push myself
to play this part?' Then I realized, I give everyone else
guidance, why not myself? And I thought about the real
message of the movie, and went for it.
So, I like to say, `Do one thing every day that scares you.'
Your biggest fear can teach you so much."
make a difference
"Find a mentor! Mine was the founder of the Beverly Hills
Playhouse, who taught me so much about putting positive
people in your life and not giving up. As we reinvent
ourselves, we need new mentors. It's give and receive.
I tell clients to find people who have the job you want
and ask them to mentor you, then tell them, `I will pay
it forward in your memory when I reach my success.'
Remember, we all have a talent that someone else would
love to have!
I also give back by coaching women from Safe Passage,
who are survivors of all types of domestic violence. It's an
honor to help media train them with confidence so they
can spread their messages on to others about moving on
and educating others. It's all about stepping into your
own power."
don't give up five minutes before the miracle
"We all have days when our inner critic comes out, even
when we have successes. You have to `own' that spot when
you have a success; make it yours. I do this when I land
a starring role in a movie, for example. I have a special
binder with my initials on it and I record these special
moments; I truly celebrate those special moments. When
my daughter was little, we'd celebrate `successes' by
buying new nail polishes or eating at Taco Bell! Mark each
special memory.
Times were tough as a single mom. My daughter Jessica
and I had some dark days, but she said the best advice I
ever gave her was to pursue her own dream--a career
in environmental education. We all get so bogged down
in life and need to find ways to see possibilities again.
What keeps me grounded are my dogs and cat--they're
lying in their beds right now--and my grandson, who is
the light of my life!
My mentor used to say to me, `The one who gets up from
the mat the most, wins.' You're allowed to cry and wallow,
but then dammit, get back out there!"
For more information about Barbara Niven, visit