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Summer editioN 2013
heart & soul
One Man's Life
im Morgan was a true self made man. Born into a working class family he had bought
a small electrical operation and through hard work and perseverance turned it into a
lucrative business. Semi-retired, his wife and he were now enjoying the fruits of their
labours. They owned a beautiful home overlooking a scenic river valley. During warmer
weather, Jim enjoyed going for long leisurely walks with Sisco, their four year old apricot
poodle. The dog loved these outings, chasing after squirrels in the bushes, and then racing
to catch up to Jim further up the trail. As a child the family dog had been Jim's constant,
and for long periods, only companion. While Jim's wife sometimes complained that he was
indifferent to those less fortunate, he certainly had a soft spot for man's best friend. She often
told others that if it was a choice between eating himself or feeding Sisco, Jim would chose
to go hungry himself.
How Matt's Dog
One Man's Life
By Harvey Deutschendorf