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hat or who is the real
c u l p r i t b e h i n d y o u r
meager or failed success?
Bet you've never considered this
question from all the angles. For
instance, when we hear the word
"inheritance", we quickly think of
large sums of money or valuable
assets being passed down. But there's
another type of inheritance ­ our
emotional and mental inheritance.
Child psychologists insist that as
infants, we can't tell the difference
between our individual thoughts and
emotions and those of our parents.
As we grow, we keenly experience
our parents' anxieties and inhibitions,
and are most vulnerable to the
emotional and mental messages
being passed down ­ our emotional
inheritance. While we do inherit many
positive qualities, in many cases, the
emotional messages we become heir
to, often have inhibitions attached
to them that sabotage our quality
of life.
Our mindset of mediocrity, self-
loathing, scarcity, fear, self-doubt,
helplessness, etc. -- some
are passed down, others
are learned through social
conditioning. But, the greatest
damage is done when we
willingly accept and build on
these inherited weaknesses.
M a k e n o m i s t a k e , o u r
emotions are a very essential
part of who we are ­ we
cannot be successful without
them. So the goal is to ensure they
support our efforts towards success,
instead of sabotaging them ­ I call
this "managing the emotional side of
your success." Here are five things to
consider that will help you confront
your inhibitions towards success:
have a personal allegiance with
yourself to override your inherited
Make a commitment
to yourself to be honest about your
inhibitions towards success, and then
challenge the validity or benefits of
engaging in such behavior. You are
not indebted to these weaknesses, so
there's absolutely no reason to keep
letting them control you.
totally, and faithfully embrace the
responsibility of achieving your
I like to say, "Own it!" Many
of us know what our purpose is, but
don't own it because we're addicted
to the opinions of others. You have to
wean yourself from this addiction and
totally embrace your purpose so much
so that you breathe and sleep it ­ let it
become your
energy source.
Know that you know your efforts
towards success are yours to
As individuals, we can be no
more than our thoughts
and beliefs permit
us to be. Giving into
your inhibitions keeps
you from sending
your work (gifts and
talents) out into the
world. When you have
FAITH (strong belief
and passionate focus)
in your abilities to fulfill
your purpose, to know
that you are in this moment, not by
chance, but by intention, you are
in position to achieve your greatest
emphatically trust god (or
your higher spiritual being) in
your journey.
We are not here by
chance, but for purpose, so it would
counterproductive for God to work
against His own will. He wants you
to prosper in every way. You have to
TRUST that as a fact ­ not a feeling.
give yourself permission to
You'll never overcome your
inhibitions towards success if you
don't understand the importance of
giving yourself permission. Self-
permission is a prerequisite to all your
goals. From experiencing success in
health, love, and purpose to receiving
the blessing of God ­ giving yourself
permission to "succeed" and "receive"
is the ultimate requirement for a
greater quality of life. You succeed
when you allow yourself to.
Pennie Murray is a speaker, certified
NLP coach, and author of the book,
Giving Myself Permission: Putting
Fear and Doubt in Their Place
the audio CD Asking for Richer
Ground: The Power of Your Words
She is also the founder of the Giving
Myself Permission (GMSP) Initiatives.
More information on the author can
be found at and
balance advice
By Pennie Murray
Hindering Your