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Summer editioN 2013
fitness & nutrition
By Steve Kaminsky, nASM CPT
Is the
ave you ever had a tough day at work or home?
Unless your last name is Kardashian or you are one
of the Jersey Shore cast, my guess is yes. Of course,
even celebrities experience stress or anxiety at some points
in their lives. It is how we choose to handle it that makes a
difference to our mental as well as physical well-being.
Some of us respond by withdrawing - we might even shut out
our loved ones. Others turn to quick fixes such as food or
alcohol. Does a glass of wine to wind down sound familiar?
How about a scoop from our buddies, Ben & Jerry, after a
break up?
I can always find solace in a good workout. It seems to give
me a more positive and focused outlook. This is not just in
my head; it is an actual physiological response. Aside from
the aesthetic results, exercise provides for our bodies, it can
affect our mood and lower feelings of stress and anxiety. Here
are five scientific insights that support the value of exercise.
The best six doctors anywhere-
And no one can deny it - Are sunshine, water, rest, and air,
Exercise and diet. These six will gladly you attend
If only you are willing. Your mind they'll ease
Your will they'll mend. And charge you not a shilling.
(Quoted by Wayne Fields)
FuN FaCtS ZoNe!
laughing for 15min/day burns 40
calories. that's 4 pounds per year!
Can we smile our
way into shape?