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Summer editioN 2013
movement and his nonviolent principles.
A couple weeks later, I broke a follow-
up story about the magician David
Copperfield purchasing the audiotape
and donating it to the National Civil
Rights Museum in Memphis to promote
King's message of nonviolence. At a
time when there is so much violence,
for King's voice to be found, and for
Copperfield to buy and donate the tape
so the public could enjoy was just
really cool.
I read that the book has been
adapted into a screenplay. Are there
currently any plans for turning it into a
There are some producers interested
in making it into a movie. To me that
would be the biggest honor to give to
Mr. Montgomery and Alex Haley--to
have one of his books make it to the
big screen. It's not Roots--it's a more
contemporary story--but it's still tied
to Haley's book and the award-winning
series that followed. Because of the
book's universal themes of forgiveness,
faith, and love, I think everyone would be
able to relate to a movie adapted from
my book. Right now it's just a matter of
getting the funding to make the movie
What is your next project?
I would like to do a relationship book
about couples who manage to keep their
marriages together despite adversity. We
know about the high divorce rate. Some
couples divorce simply because they get
tired of each other. But what about those
couples who stick it out and realize they
can--and should--be together until
death? My parents definitely had their
share of ups and downs, but they've
been married for almost sixty years
now. My grandmother and grandfather
were together sixty-three years. And as I
mentioned before, Mr. Montgomery and
Ernestine were together seventy years.
So I know couples who have done it,
and there are others doing it as well.
heart & soul
Finding the Good
You're obviously a very busy man. Equanimity is a
magazine about balancing lifestyles. We always ask, "What do
you do to stay balanced in your life?"
Well, I make sure to take time to relax, but more importantly
I maintain a healthy dose of spirituality. That means reading
some of my favorite scriptures, especially ones that are uplifting
and encouraging. One of my favorites was also loved by my
grandmother. It's Philippians 4:13 (NKJV): "I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me."