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Summer editioN 2013
Here, she breaks down her life
mantras and elaborates on how they
empower herself--and others.
live your passion
"I was 30 when I just started getting
into acting, which can be viewed as
`late' in this business. I was a wife
and mom--I married after high
school--but I always wanted to be
an actress. The `life wake-up call'
for me came when I was invited to
my high school reunion. (
Note: Niven
is from Portland, OR.) They sent us
all a questionnaire asking, `Have
you accomplished all you thought
you would?' I was living
everyone else's dream but my own. I
talked my way into an
NBC affiliate
station in Portland--I didn't even
have a college degree--and asked
the staffers for feedback on the story
ideas I wrote out after interviewing
balance advice
Nuggets from Niven
Actress, media trainer, and motivational speaker
Barbara Niven shares her secrets to success.
By Rachel Sokol
ctress Barbara Niven (One Life
to Live, Bold and the Beautiful,
movies) thrives on
inspiring others. Determined to be
more than just a talented and pretty
face, she launched her own media
training company aimed at helping
others boost their confidence--both
personally and professionally. Niven's
also a motivational speaker, which
explains the slice-of-life quotes at the
bottom of her emails!
Niven's emails conclude with five
little `nuggets,' or pearls of wisdom
she lives by and teaches others about
in her coaching sessions.