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Would clients be interested?
What resources would be needed?
Was it possible financially?
With positive answers to all of the above
questions plans began, flyers were distributed
and the next phase of our Getaway for up to 30
people was underway.
Some issues to consider were;
How many staff?
Could we include people with walkers or
Accommodation suitable for people with
special needs
What activities to organise on the trip?
A Getaway to Canberra to coincide with
Floriade presented an ideal opportunity and on
the 2nd October we departed.
Were there any issues?
Was it a success?
Would we do it again?
We will answer all these questions and
Getaway ­ yes we can.
Chancellor 6
uNlOCkiNg tHE dOOR tO HumOuR ­
WHO HOlds tHE kEy?
Dr Peter spitzer MBBs, FacRRM
Medical Director, The Humour Foundation
Laughter associated with pleasant feelings or
tension release is preserved well into advanced
stages of dementia.
Is this of value? If so how do we open the door
to this experience?
This workshop looks at the place of humour on
a difficult journey. Humour can't be prescribed
in a generic way and generally speaking carers
as well as healthcare staff haven't had training
in humour delivery. This modality is not about
entertainment but rather engagement in a way
that will introduce laughter, play and a little bit
of mischief to lift the spirit. Anybody can be the
keeper of the `humour key'.
We will explore a model of delivering humour
that we developed at The Humour Foundation.
This model utilises a creative, and at times
a mischievous, partnership between the
performing artist (Elder Clown) and healthcare
staff (LaughterBoss). We will also explore
ways that carers can increase their humour
Also presented will be a brief overview of
the SMILE ( Sydney Multisite Intervention of
ElderClowns and LaughterBosses) STUDY, a
world first, large scale NH&MRC funded study
on the use of humour in residential care.
But mostly this workshop will be about fun,
joy, laughter, play and smiles.
Sorry, it is limited to 40 people and it's open to
Warning: We will make noise!
Guarantee: Everyone will leave the workshop
with a smile.
"Laughter certainly is the best medicine.......
it's a matter of living in the moment that makes
all the difference." Resident's daughter.