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A comprehensive marketing plan is the
best way to achieve your goals and creating a
plan takes thought and careful consideration.
There are several things you should be
aware of when crafting your plan in order to
increase its effectiveness:
· Assess current efforts: How is your
practice currently marketing itself in the
community? You may not realise that the
community organisations or charitable
foundations you are involved in are a
form of marketing, along with press
releases and news articles about your
practice. Assess the ways your practice is
currently marketing itself and look for
opportunities to build on these efforts.
· Assessyourpractice: What mission
and values guide your decisions? What
segment of the population do you serve?
How is your practice different and unique
in your community? Make an assessment
of your practice through the eyes of a
prospective patient. This information
will help you craft a message in keeping
with your strengths and identity.
· Establishanintegratedplan:
To be effective, a marketing plan must
be integrated with the business and
financial goals and operations of the
practice. Avoid establishing a plan that is
separate from the rest of your practice.
· Createaclearbrandmessage: Establish
a clear brand and keep it consistent
within both your practice and the
community. Make sure your team
understands and identifies with the
brand you've created. This consistency
will ensure patients identify your
external marketing with their experience
when visiting your office or clinic.
· Rely on research: Avoid the temptation
to create a marketing plan based on your
intuition or view of what you ought to
be accomplishing. Instead, use market
research to identify the best way to
reach your target patient population.
Address their needs and set marketing
priorities based on those needs.
· Demonstrate a return on investment:
Marketing is a business strategy and, just
like every other aspect of your practice, it
must pay its own way. Track the results of
your marketing efforts and the results you
realise. Make sure each portion of your
marketing strategy constitutes a worthy
investment of your time and money.
· Maintainconsistency:Consistent
marketing is the most effective. Make
sure any messages you send out on the
Internet, in the public and through
social media line up with your traditional
marketing efforts and the communication
your patients receive in your office.
A strategic marketing plan requires
a level of objectivity that can be difficult
to find within your team. Often you are
simply too close to the practice to assess it
through the eyes of an outsider. If you are
relatively new to marketing in general or
find it difficult to maintain your objectivity,
consider outsourcing the development and
implementation of your marketing plan.
Outsourcing marketing is an essential aspect
of healthcare business strategies. If you
are new to the idea of marketing, you may
be unfamiliar with the benefits of looking
outside of your practice for marketing
expertise. Whether you are establishing
your practice or are already established in
your community, outsourcing marketing
functions makes good business sense for
a number of reasons.
For a start, outsourcing allows you
to focus on your practice and the patient
care you provide. Your overall operations
take much of your time and energy,