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Dr Dike Drummond is
an executive coach
for physicians at
Will there come a time when digital medicine will have the power to exert
a placebo effect?
Dr Dike Drummond ponders this possibility.
Is the placebo effect something that demands
the presence of a living human, or can we
program it into a mobile-phone app? If so,
what will happen to healthcare?
I have always been fascinated by the
concept of placebos. You give research
subjects with documented medical
conditions a sugar pill and they get better;
they heal themselves despite the fact they
have not swallowed anything known to have
an effect on their disease.
While placebos are fascinating, the
placebo effect is truly inspiring. What is it
about the encounter with the researcher
that triggers the patient's natural healing
mechanisms? What did the doctor do or say,
or what did the patient hear and feel? And
how can we learn to use this ability to inspire
patients to heal themselves consciously?
There is an entire matrix of raging debates
on what causes the placebo effect. The
Wikipedia page for Placebo Effect is the
largest I have ever seen.
I am just a simple country doctor and
here are my old-school beliefs on its origin.
When a sick, hurting or scared person seeks
out the advice of a healthcare provider
who is emotionally present, empathetic,
confident and optimistic, and they are given
advice and treatment they understand and
the assurance of follow up if things go awry
it triggers a cascade of physiologic effects
modern science is incapable of measuring at
this time. The result is healing.
The healing can occur without outside
assistance ­ as the placebo effect in drug
studies shows ­ or it can augment whatever
medication or procedure you might also
prescribe. I believe it is the human qualities
of attention and caring that trigger the
placebo effect. These exist parallel to the
provider's ability to diagnose and select an
appropriate medical treatment.
You can arrive at the correct diagnosis
and treatment and not trigger a placebo
effect. You can fail to make eye contact, write
out a prescription, hand it to the patient and
walk out the door, thus having no placebo
effect. Your skills as a placebologist rely
on the ability to create the expectation of
healing in the patient. This is most definitely
part of the art of medicine.