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Kevin Morgan is Chief
Operating Officer at
Not just another tech term, `Big Data' is
the next generation of intelligence that is
transforming a range of Australian industries.
With the proliferation of Internet-
connected devices, data is being produced
in greater quantities than ever before.
Individuals are using digital media and
disseminating data, such as photographs,
videos and social-media dialogue, at an
unprecedented speed. Every day we create
2.2 million terabytes of data. According to
Hewlett Packard, 90% of the data in the
world today has been created in the last
two years alone.
The commonly accepted definition of Big
Data comes from US information technology
research and advisory company Gartner,
which defines it as "high-volume, high-
velocity and/or high-variety information
assets that demand cost-effective, innovative
forms of information processing for
enhanced insight, decision-making and
process optimisation".
With such an abundance of data available
in the digital world, it is critical that we
adopt Big Data analytics to make sense of
the information and create value. Indeed, the
private sector has made significant headway
in capturing this data, with many companies
gathering huge amounts of information
about their customers.
These companies have pioneered data
analysis and are continually redeveloping
business products to meet ever-changing
consumer behaviour and demands.
Supermarkets, for instance, can
examine data from customer-loyalty cards
to identify sales trends, optimise their range
of products and develop special discount
offers accordingly.
In the transportation sector, taxi
companies can now offer real-time and
predictive analysis to accurately predict taxi
collection times and spot taxi-travel trends.
change for the Australian healthcare sector, says
Kevin Morgan.