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The Private Practice
Spring 2013
Consider the following moneymakers:
of Warcraft).
music held only in digital form.
Here are some quick tips for dealing with
your virtual information and assets:
Note: Recording details in your
will is not advisable as the will may
become a public document and each
password or username change must
be recorded in a subsequent codicil.
should arrange for account
payments to continue to be made
to avoid account closure. For
example, Flickr currently has
five million images stored on its
site and subscribers must pay
a fee to access all photographs
held on their account, failing
which it will be closed.
· Ensurethatdomainnamesare
renewed until they can be dealt with
by the estate. This is particularly
important where the domain name
is a valuable asset associated with
a business or other enterprise.
· Whendraftingawill,consider
the nature of each digital asset
(whether a chattel, intellectual
property or a license), and ensure
the will is carefully drafted
to capture that asset.
Earlier this year de Groots was
pleased to support the DonateLife
campaign and particularly DonateLife
Week, which took place from 24
February to 3 March. The campaign
sought to create awareness of the
and Discuss' organ and tissue
donation. It was led by the Organ
and Tissue Authority as part of the
national DonateLife campaign and
supported by community events
and activities across Australia.
It's a fact that Australia has one
of the lowest organ-donation rates
in the western world, generally
because Australian families often
don't know the wishes of their loved
ones. The family of every potential
donor in this country is always asked
to confirm the donation wishes of
their loved one before organ and/
or tissue donation can proceed,
but at present 44% of Australians
do not know or are not sure of the
donation wishes of their loved ones.
To register your wishes on the
national register, have your Medicare
card number handy and follow this
link ­