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Thank you to our growing community of
medical colleges, societies and associations,
course and workshop delegates, magazine
and newsletter subscribers, and Facebook
friends. Your overwhelming support
galvanises our resolve to do everything in
our power to help make healthcare-centric
education in business, financial and lifestyle
management easily accessible across the
Australian healthcare community.
Really, we're all about awakening
the business person ­ or dare I say,
entrepreneur ­ within. Apart from making
your life (and the lives of your family and
co-workers) easier, running your practice
and financial life like a `well-oiled machine'
will help you to become the best doctor or
healthcare provider you can be ­ multiplying
exponentially the `good' you signed up for.
I repeat this over and over at our
education events. While it's true to say that,
by and large, most healthcare professionals
are pretty hopeless at running a business
and managing their money, some of the
world's finest entrepreneurs have come from
medicine, for instance:
· Dr Amy Lehman is the founder of
Lake Tanganyika Floating Health Clinic, an
international organisation whose mission is
to address the problem of healthcare access
and education for isolated communities
in the Lake Tanganyika basin/Great Lakes
region of Central Africa.
In her role, Amy has become
knowledgeable in multiple ancillary fields,
including water security, food security,
environmental conservation, rural
development, mineral rights and mining
issues, Great Lakes global security issues and
the rural digital divide.
· Matt Jameson Evans is a British doctor
and the co-founder of
His background is in Orthopaedic surgery
and medical politics. He trained in London
at Guy's, Kings College and St Thomas'
hospitals, and at the Royal National
Orthopaedic Hospital. In 2006 he co-founded
Remedy UK, a pressure group representing
junior doctors, and quickly generated a
following of 15,000 British doctors, lobbying
medical issues in the Houses of Parliament
and throughout the United Kingdom's
mainstream media.
In 2008 Dr Evans co-founded
HealthUnlocked with business partner Jorge
Armanet. This health technology company
partners with patient organisations,
healthcare providers and industry. It
uses online tools to support patients and
healthcare providers, and generates real
world data regarding the effectiveness of
clinical services and treatments.
· Thom Van Every trained at the
University of Birmingham Medical School
and graduated in 1995. He worked as a
junior doctor in London, Jersey and Cape
Town before specialising in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology. He was awarded his MRCOG in
2000 and then left full-time clinical medicine
to study an MBA at London Business
School. After receiving his MBA he worked
for Deloitte Consulting before setting up and co-founding PatientChoice,
a private medical insurance company.
Rise of the