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Threats are often divided into two categories
depending on their source: Internal or external.
Internal threats may stem from employees and
others with authorised access to premises,
information and systems. External threats may stem
from foreign authorities, political groups, hacktivists,
criminal organisations, suppliers, competitors or
dormitory hackers hunting for "honour and glory"
and jobs on the wrong side of the law. There may
be links between two or more of these groups, who
make use of each other's abilities.
The threat scenario is becoming increasingly
complex, both technologically and organisationally.
Parties who constitute a threat increasingly behave
like legitimate business enterprises, and in many
cases they are closely linked to legal activities.
This may lead to companies and their customers
unconsciously conducting a business dialogue with
parties who actually represent a security threat.
The activities of such parties may eventually
result in financial losses, downtime and unstable
operations. Companies may be exposed to fraud,
lose their own data or lose their customers' data.
understanding the
sources of threats
Telenor ConTinuously assesses The ThreaT
sCenario and The ConduCT of parTies from
whom ThreaTs sTem. The assessmenT is
based on norwegian and inTernaTional
open and unClassified ThreaT assessmenTs
plus oTher open sourCes as well as our
own observaTions as a TeleCom operaTor.
You can find the TSOC blog at