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Page 94
August 30, 2013
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
The China Seas Motel was located on the oceanfront at 51st Street. Designed to re-
semble a Chinese "junk" (a commercial fishing boat seen on the rivers of China), the
unique building attracted much attention on Coastal Highway.
The motel had been built in 1963 after lower land values following the March
Storm of 1962 spurred development in North Ocean City. This was one of the first mo-
tels north of 33rd Street. It contained 32 units.
The China Seas was destroyed in an early-morning fire on May 8, 1969. The build-
ing had not opened for the season and was empty at the time of the fire. The motel
was never built and former site is now the location of The Coral Reef and The Wor-
cester House.
Photo From Bunk Mann's Collection